A real-time, multi-level service to track and compare order books of multiple streams/LPs. The data is displayed visually with multiple options for detailed analysis that helps brokers/LPs to create/optimize competitive price feeds.
Key Features
✅ Full book FIX API tracking of multiple streams / LPs
✅ Intraday analytics on an aggregated minutes resolution
✅ Aggregated spreads with multiple options:
- Period selection: 1 day / 7 days / 30 days
- Volume: 1 lot / 5 lots / 10 lots / 20 lots / 50 lots / 100 lots
✅ Historical analysis for long-term spread changes
- Compare the average spreads for the past months/years
- Compare the improvement/deterioration of a stream / LP
- For specific trading hours/volume/pairs/currency/averaging period
✅ Similarity Matrix to discover:
Especially Large Trades → Best feeds
Specific Hour
Spike Analysis using Max. Spread → Optimization to minimize SL-Trigger
The tool Helps to find similarities between different streams / LPs.
🔥 Especially useful when you have nearly the same spreads, but different pricing for each stream / LP.
✅ Compare data with multiple options:
- Preview
- Average spread / Min. spread / Max. spread
- Check the “Updates per minute” for each aggregated option (for example: How often do you get a spreads update for 50 lots)
- Max. volume / Legs needed
- Pair / Currency specific analytics
- Compare one specific pair like EURUSD
- Compare all pairs of one currency (for example EUR) at once
- Compare your basket of multiple pairs you can choose
- Compare all pairs at once
- Compare specific streams / LPs by your choice
- Specific timeframes
- Compare the spreads of specific hours / specific sessions / specific minutes
- Compare the spreads of the whole day
- Allows to evaluate the depth of the liquidity
- Collect full book of each LP or;
- Offer clients (as a prime broker) to evaluate the liquidity you offer based on:
- volume
- pairs
- timeframes
- numerous other parameters
- View the example
- Build average values for a specific “historic period”, i.e. Day/Month/Year
💡 Use-case Example
See ****which LP is the best around the rollover, for all USD pairs, for 1/10/50 lot(s) based on the period of 1/7/30 day(s).
€1,500/month or €12,500/year ( 30% OFF ) when paid on yearly basis
- Includes 3 LPs;
- Each new LP is €250,
- i.e. extra 20 LPS = €5,000/month or €42,000 ( 30% OFF ) when paid on yearly basis
Input From Paul
- Short Description of the tool and why prime brokers and LPs would be interested?
- Existing Features